
Mastering Content Marketing for Dentists: 5 Proven Strategies to Attract More Patients

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Content marketing is essential for every business, and content marketing for dentists is no exception. But how do you do content marketing for dentists and target dental patients?

Creating content for individual service and location pages and supporting them with quality blog and video content can be a good start for your content marketing strategy. Local SEO and Social media marketing can be good supporters.

This guide covers the above strategies in detail, but first, let’s understand content marketing for dentists.

What is Content Marketing for Dentists?

Content marketing for dentists refers to using written and visual dentistry content to advertise dental services to a targeted audience online. The content should showcase expertise and be relatable to the audience for the dental marketing strategy to be successful.

Content Marketing Strategies for Dentists

content marketing for dentists

With effective content marketing strategies, marketers can turn visitors into patients. Here are five effective strategies:

  1. Create Quality Keyword-rich Content for Every Service Offered

Service pages are essential as they attract a suitable customer base. Publishing quality content with relevant keywords for every service you offer helps search engines understand the different components of your business site.

In addition, it ensures a better placement when potential dental clients do a local search of the services you offer. This increases your chances of attracting a new patient since 88% of local searches for business services result in visits or calls within 24 hours.

As a dental service business, you should be where customers are looking for you. So, instead of listing all your services on the home page, create keyword-optimized content for each service page, as patients are more likely to land on individual service pages.

  1. Create An Individual Page for Every Location Served and Embed a Map

Location pages are another marketing strategy to rank higher for local searches. A quality keyword-optimized location page improves online visibility.

For example, a location page optimized for target keywords ‘Dentist in Hollywood, FL’ and ‘Dentist near me’ will likely appear top on search results when a resident in Hollywood, FL, types the query ‘Dentist in Hollywood.’

Chances are the person typing the query requires dental services, which means they are likely to call or visit if your page convinces them.

It’s also wise to embed maps to the main location on these pages. This way, those visiting can easily find your dental business.

  1. Create Keyword-rich Blogs and Videos that Support Your Service Pages and Location Pages

Marketers can use keyword-rich blog articles and videos to target dental patients (service and location pages).

For example, a blog post about ‘How to choose a dentist in Hollywood, FL’ would support the ‘Dentist in Hollywood, FL’ location page. The blog post will link to the location page, adding more topical authority to the ‘Dentist in Hollywood’ location page.

This also applies to service pages. You’d create a blog post about ‘Are veneers painful?’ and add a link to the ‘Veneers’ service page.

Marketers should do a content gap analysis using keyword research tools like Ahrefs to determine topics to write about.

Videos are also important, especially when showcasing services offered. For example, with a patient’s consent, you can record the installation of braces and use the video to market your braces installation service.

 Planning and executing content marketing plans takes time and effort. At ContentGo, we have a community of freelancers, intelligent technologies, and multi-language content creation capabilities that will handle all your content marketing needs, from choosing keywords to creating and implementing content and tracking performance.

  1. Social Media Marketing
content marketing for dentists social media

Social media content is another powerful digital marketing strategy. That’s why dental practices should have active social media profiles where they can share engaging content about their business.

Other social media marketing ideas include:

  • Sharing before and after custom photos
  • Influencer marketing: Collaborating with influencers to market your services.
  • Posting positive patient reviews
  • Using relevant social media hashtags
  • Answering dental-related questions in the comment section and forum discussions like Reddit and Quora. After answering, you can leave a link to your contact page and encourage users to reach out if they have more questions.
  1. Focus on Local Aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Local SEO helps businesses rank for local searches. Dental practices should focus on local aspects of SEO to target local patients. They can do this by:

Optimizing the Google Business Profile (GBP)

content marketing for dentists

Fill out all sections with the correct business information: the Name, Address, and phone number. In addition, post updates on your GBP to improve local rankings. Include testimonials, office pictures, brand logos, and other helpful information.

Building backlinks from local sites and dental sites

Dental practices can build backlinks by publishing on local sites like Patch or guest posts on trusted dental sites. Citations like Yelp can also help build backlinks and attract new patients.

They can also use press releases to engage with the community by informing them of new changes.

Having local patient reviews published on the website

Positive patient reviews build trust as they act as social proof. Include several reviews on the website.

How Content Marketing Is Useful for Dentists

Content marketing can benefit dentists in numerous ways. Here are several ways it can be helpful:

  • It improves search engine rankings: Creating and publishing valuable, high-quality, SEO-optimized content improves overall search rankings. When web users type dentistry queries on search engines like Google, your content will appear at the top.
  • It creates awareness of the dental business: Publishing content about your dental practice regularly creates awareness. Users who continuously interact with your content on search engines and social media channels will know you exist and your services.
  • It attracts potential patients: Sharing content about your practice and services improves visibility. You reach more audiences who may require dental services and will be curious to learn more. And if they are comfortable with what you offer, they can become your clients.
  • It can help showcase expertise and build trust: When you continuously educate your target audience by sharing correct, valuable information, you prove your expertise in dental health. As such, you gain the trust of the audience, which means they can come to you for dental advice and services or refer you to close ones.
  • It helps keep current patients: Showcasing your expertise by sharing valuable correct information gives current patients more reason to trust your services. Besides, you can email patients, remind them of appointments and current offers, and show them you care. This ensures you keep them from competition.

Types Of Content Marketing in Dentistry

Types Of Content Marketing in Dentistry

Dental practices can use blog posts, video content, infographics, case studies, social media posts, emails, and positive reviews to market their services.

  • Blog posts

A dental practice can regularly publish blog posts covering dental topics on its website. If the blog post is detailed, valuable, and keyword-optimized, web users can find it on search engines when typing a query.

For example, you can have a detailed blog post on ‘Are braces painful?’

When a user is considering getting braces and types this query on Google, they can find your blog.

You can link to the ‘braces’ service page if you offer braces installation. The blog post will not only support this page but may also attract a new patient. Blogs also generate organic traffic.

  • Video content

Dental businesses can create video content on dental health and publish it on their dental websites. Videos are more engaging than traditional marketing methods. That’s why 69% of businesses wish to invest more in video marketing.

Videos build a strong online presence and engage your target audience. Marketers can encourage their dentist clients to record videos on current dental trends or behind the scenes of a service offered to share with the audience.

Another option would be for a dental medical professional to answer commonly asked questions or provide valuable information on dental health.

  • Infographics

Infographics use minimal text and more visual content to pass information.

Infographics are more eye-catching than a wall of text. A dental practice would add a call to action (CTA) in the infographic for more effectiveness.

For example, ‘Schedule an appointment for safe dental care today!’ You can even add a link that takes users directly to the business contact page to book an appointment.

  • Social media posts

Dental businesses can share an office tour video on their Instagram stories, before and after photos, patient reviews, educational posts on dental health, promotions, and services they offer.

Social media channels provide platforms for businesses to create a solid presence and use social media advertising to attract potential patients.

Continuous social media marketing efforts can help dental practices turn viewers into future patients.

  • Case studies of previous patients

Case studies are powerful as they appeal to an audience with a specific issue. For example, a case study of dental cavities covers every treatment step, and the final result is more likely to attract a cavity patient.

They are great marketing tools because they showcase real-life examples of how a dental practice solves a patient’s problem. This social proof appeals to emotions through storytelling and builds trust.

  • Positive reviews from current patients

A dental business can encourage satisfied clients to create positive reviews, which they can publish on their social media platforms or dental websites.

These act as testimonials from happy clients satisfied by the service offered.

  • Email

Marketers can also use emails to market dental practices. However, this will only apply to current patients. When they come for appointments, you collect their email addresses and send them personalized emails advertising current promotions.

Dental businesses can also send emails to remind patients of their upcoming appointments.

This shows patients you care for and helps maintain them in your business. Besides, if current patients feel you care about them, they can easily refer your services to others.

Emails can also be used to turn contacts into patients. For example, if a user came across dental services online, the business engaged by answering questions, and the user was okay with sharing their email, marketers can send emails advertising their services and current offers.

Dos and Don’ts of Content Marketing for Dentists


  • Do know your target audience to create engaging personalized content
  • Get involved with the agency you hire to know what’s happening by holding weekly, biweekly, or monthly meetings to follow up on the results.
  • Do track the results
  • To create and share valuable content
  • Do optimize your content for SEO


  • Don’t forget to optimize website content for mobile users
  • Don’t ignore local SEO aspects
  • Don’t ignore the impact of testimonials

Create Keyword Rich Dentistry Content With ContentGo

Content marketing for dentists can be achieved in several ways. You can target dental patients with quality content from social media posts, videos, and blog posts and optimize service and location pages.

Need help creating quality dentistry content to attract more patients? ContentGo is here to help. With a community of experienced writers and advanced tools, you can get high-quality content that will help turn visitors and viewers into patients.

Register and get started on your content marketing journey today!

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